Thursday, October 11, 2007

Knitting and patterns

First things first- finished socks! Well, almost finished. As you can see, the one is still on the needles. I am waiting for Aubrey to come home and try them on so I can know if this bind off method is stretchy enough for socks or not. But, don't you just love the way the yarn patterned itself? I am really pleased with it. OK, details:

Yarn: ONline Supersocke (Sunset Colorway, #830)
Needles: Size 2 circulars
Pattern: (Stitch pattern) Yarrow Rib Socks from Vintage Socks, (Sock pattern) Toe up with slip-stitch heel by Wendy.
Started: September 30
Finished: October 11

This toe-up sock pattern came out really easily and eliminated some of those lingering issues that I have when I make socks. For one thing, I never know just where to start toe decreases since I rarely make socks for the same person 2 pairs back to back. This made that such a non-issue, I am definitely doing my next pair toe up as well. Another huge benefit (one which is solely psychological, of course) is that after finishing the foot of the sock it feels like you're home free! You just fly around and around to the top of the cuff. I even had extra yarn with these and there went that "am-I-going-to-have-enough-yarn" stress! So the benefits of toe up were practically endless for me! :)

The past few days have been spent printing patterns that my mom and I have had but never got around to printing. We bought binders, dividers and labels and I spend this morning finishing up all the pattern organizing. Its so awesome! I put the patterns in page protectors and divided them up by topic. I can't wait to try and find a pattern now! :)


Peggy said...

Socks looks awesome!!!!!!! You guys are just far too organized!!!!

George said...

I like those colors. I feel warmer just looking at them. Perfect for the upcoming cold weather. And I am so glad you beat the "not enough yarn" stress:)

June said...

Well, you know I love these socks so much I almost started a pair just like them. But, I decided on another pattern instead - show you Sunday!

Heather said...

I've been wanting to try toe up- I think you have persuaded me.

During the school year, my small (but wonderful) county library runs out of Austen, Shakespeare, and Bronte. I have found and can listen to my favorites anytime I wish. Thought I'd pass this along.

I am enjoying your blog! Thanks for sharing.